What is counseling?
Counseling is a collaborative process that involves the development of a unique, confidential, therapeutic, helping relationship. In this relationship, the therapist acts as a facilitator in helping the client to understand more accurately him/herself and the world around him/her; to better understand their feelings and behaviors, and to assist clients in their interpersonal relationships. Discussion of whatever is important and impacting someone's life can enable an individual to grow towards greater freedom in making mature choices and taking responsible action.
What type of concerns do clients raise in counseling?
Clients present a range of concerns including (but certainly not limited to): academic performance, depression, anxiety, sleep disruption, stress management, family or personal crises, interpersonal conflict with friends, room-mates, or romantic partners, educational or vocational ambiguity, alcohol or drug use, suicidal thoughts, concern about a friend, issues related to gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, and other developmental issues.
What is
counseling like?
Counseling will be a different experience for different people, as we strive to meet your individual needs based on your unique set of circumstances. In your first session, which is called an "intake" appointment, you will be asked basic, informational questions and work with your therapist to establish goals for counseling. Goals or recommendations may include a referral for group counseling, couples counseling, signing up for a workshop, activities, homework, and/or a referral to a counselor who specializes in the type of counseling you need at that particular time.
What happens during the course of your counseling experience may differ over time, based on your situation, progress, or changes in your life. Your therapist may at times suggest exploring potential solutions such as relaxation training, journaling, role-playing, talking with relevant individuals, reading assignments, or even “homework.” How the therapeutic process will progress depends on your needs and goals.
What about couples counseling?
Couples counseling is an opportunity to work with your partner on issues that may be impacting your relationship. You may focus on communication skills, conflict resolution, or making decisions about your future together. Your therapist will serve as a mediator and guide during these discussions and will help you work together to focus on and achieve specific goals for your relationship.
Is what I say or disclose in counseling
Our counselors follow the professional, legal, and ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association and the state of Florida. This means that information about your counseling sessions is not shared with anyone without your expressed written permission. There are some exceptions to confidentiality, however. If there is the possibility of harm to the client or another person, or in cases of child or elder abuse, our Counseling staff is mandated to report certain information to the appropriate authorities. Please ask your therapist for more information about confidentiality.
How often will I meet with my therapist?
The frequency of therapy is mutually agreed upon by you and your therapist and is largely based on your presenting issues and the goals of treatment.
It is very important that you arrive early or on-time for your scheduled appointments. Regular, timely attendance of your counseling sessions will help you to achieve your therapeutic goals. If for some reason you are unable to make it to your scheduled session, please call us in advance, preferably 24-hours ahead.
How long will I have to be in counseling?
Many problems can be dealt with in a brief period of time, but this is not always the case. There is no magic number or formula to determine how long it may take. During your initial intake assessment, you and your therapist will determine the frequency of therapy based on your presenting issues and the goals of treatment. You and your therapist will speak regularly about your progress. Eventually, you and your therapist may determine that you have met your therapy goals. At this point, you may discuss your need for continued therapy. You may also bring up this topic at any time during your sessions.
When will I start to feel better?
Again, there is no set timetable for how long it will take until you feel better. Relief may come from a variety of sources, including making changes in your thoughts, behaviors, relationships, and choices, and may take time to achieve. However, many clients report that counseling can be helpful even after the first session. This may be because of the relief that comes from deciding to seek help, or an opportunity to speak about problems for the first time with someone who is impartial and nonjudgmental. Please remember: it is important that you share with your therapist if you are not experiencing any improvement after working in therapy for some time, so the two of you may determine what changes may need to be made.
What if I want to change counselors?
We understand that sometimes you may not feel comfortable talking with a particular therapist. Sometimes you and the therapist are just not a good fit. We would much rather you change therapists than stop coming to counseling altogether if you have not gotten help with your problem. We think it is best if you talk directly with your counselor and let them know you would like to change counselors. We do not get angry or offended when clients want to change counselors, though we do often find it is helpful to talk about the reasons you want to change. If it is too difficult to make that request with the counselor you have already met with, just let us know that you would like to make a first appointment with a different counselor or for us to make a referral to help you find another counselor. We simply want to ensure that you are getting the help that you need.
Are the fitness programs and counseling programs separate services?
Yes, they are completely separate services. You can choose one specific program or service without selecting the other.
If I pay for one of your fitness programs how long will it take me to see changes in my body?
Every person and body is different. Some people will see changes in their body faster than others. However, in my experience changes are usually directly correlated to your willingness to follow the plan provided to you. You will see changes if you follow the program.